Wednesday, November 21, 2018

So much to be thankful for...

It has been a busy month filled with lots of learning and fun.  We made sure to slow down and take time to remember what we have to be grateful for and all that we are fortunate to have in our lives.  Our family, friends, our school, and our pets were at the top of everyone's list.

Yesterday, the kids each made a paper bag turkey glyph to tell about themselves.

This morning, they were excited to see a huge turkey sitting with all of theirs.  The children thought it was just a decoration until I started carving it during our feast.  They were very excited the turkey was filled with popcorn!

Students were happy and thankful to learn they each got their own pilgrim hat and that we were able to share in a Thanksgiving feast together.  They loved decorating the tablecloth as we prepared for the feast.  It was so wonderful to see how happy and thankful they were to enjoy this special Thanksgiving treat together.  The children helped pass out napkins, plates, and drinks.  They helped each other open up juice pouches and clean up.  We all shared what we are grateful for and it was touching to hear how many said families, the school, friends, all the teachers in the school, and even for the feast :).

I was only able to snap a few pictures during the feast, but did manage to take pictures after the kids were dismissed of the thankful pictures they drew on the tablecloth to create this short Animoto video. 

I am very thankful for my kind, caring, smart students who I get to work with each day.  I am grateful that they love to learn and are appreciative of the special activities we are always doing.  They make me smile and enjoy my job.  A heartfelt thank you to their parents for your support and communication.  You are raising some pretty wonderful children!

I hope everyone has a relaxing Thanksgiving filled with lots of family time and delicious food!

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