Wednesday, November 11, 2015

Veterans Day

Last Friday, my essential question for the students was "What is a Veteran?"  After reading a book about Veterans Day, we learned that veterans are men and women who have served in the armed forces to keep our country safe.  After, we colored in pictures of people so their uniforms were the correct colors for the army, navy, air force, and marines.  We continued our discussion this week by brainstorming what soldiers are and what they do.
  I am truly impressed with how thoughtful your children were when thinking about all that soldiers have done to keep us safe and how they have risked their lives so we can have the freedoms we have today.

  Each child chose one of the sentence starters ("Soldiers are" or "Soldiers can") and finished the sentence with one of the ideas we brainstormed.  We created our own soldiers to display with our sentences.

Yesterday morning, Fuller Meadow students and staff gathered together in the cafeteria to honor veterans with poems and songs.  Our class was asked to place red poppies under the flag as a symbol of honor and respect. 

 Thank you to those who have contributed to our school's Veterans Day padlet.  We have loved reading what families have written and have enjoyed seeing the projects and videos classes have posted.  It's not too late to add something if you would like.
  Happy Veterans Day!
free glitter text and family website at

1 comment:

  1. What a great way to get the children to recognize Veteran's Day! Thank you!
