Monday, September 7, 2015

Welcome to our class blog!

Hello!  Thanks for stopping by!  This is my first year blogging about the exciting activities and learning that is happening in our classroom.  I feel like this forum will be a terrific way to keep you informed of all that is taking place in room 117. Be sure to enter your email under "Follow by email" located in the right sidebar to be notified each time I share a new post.

We had a great first two days together and the year is off to a wonderful start!  Our first few weeks together will be very busy.  We will focus on getting to know each other, learning about our school, and mastering daily routines.  It is amazing all that the children learn during their Kindergarten year and I love watching their confidence build as they begin to see themselves as readers, writers, mathematicians, scientists, and historians.

Here is some important information regarding classroom policies and procedures:

Classroom Policies:
Please remember to label all of your child's belongings. This includes folders, backpacks, lunch boxes, coats, hats, etc.

Please place all notes, lunch money, milk money, and homework in your child's folder. It is much easier for them to hand in the papers if they are all located in the same place!

Fuller Meadow has incorporated into the school lunch program. Please see the school website for further information.

Please refer to the Fuller Meadow School website and/or your student handbook for further information regarding school-wide policies.

Expanding Learning At Home:
The Kindergarten Team encourages you to expand your child’s learning experience at home as much as possible. The following educational websites are a fun way for you and your child to learn and explore together.

Specialist Schedule:
Monday: Computers
Tuesday: Library
Wednesday: Physical Education (please remember to wear your sneakers!)
Thursday: Music
Friday: Art

Important Dates:
First Day of School for Kindergarten: September 2nd
Open House: September 17th at 6:00 p.m.
Early Release: September 21st  @ 1:15 (Lunch will be served)
Field Trip to Ingladsby Farm: TBA  (field trip permission forms will be coming home soon!)

Planning Ahead: 
Conferences: Wednesday, December 9th and Thursday, December 10th
                  Wednesday, April 6th and Thursday, April 7th
Progress Notes: Friday, October 16th
                        Friday, January 29th
                        Friday, May   6th                  
Report Cards: Friday, December 4th
                      Friday, April 1st  
                      Last Day of School (tentatively June 14th with no snow days)        

* * * * *

I look forward to getting to know you and your family over the course of the school year.  If you feel your child needs extra help at any time, please contact me to discuss things further.

You may contact me with all questions and/or concerns through email (, phone (978.750.4756), or notes placed in your child's folder.

~Mrs. Libby

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