We are very excited for Pumpkin Day on Friday when we will see if pumpkins sink or float, measure how tall our pumpkins are, and count the seeds of one of our pumpkins! Today we made predictions or estimates of how many seeds the children think one of our pumpkins has inside. To help educate the children on how to make a good estimate, I read them the book How Many Seeds in a Pumpkin? by Margaret McNamara. We learned some important information from the book that helped us make our estimates. Check out these cool facts we read:
- Each line on the outside of a pumpkin has a row of seeds inside.
- The longer a pumpkin grows on the vine, the darker it is and the more lines it has.
- The largest pumpkin doesn't necessarily mean it has the most seeds!
Check out our estimates!
Moms, dads, brothers, sisters, grandparents, aunts, uncles, cousins, and babysitters, we would love to hear YOUR predictions! In the comment section below, add your name and your prediction of how many seeds you think are in this pumpkin!
Hopefully the 8x10 frame can help give you some idea of the pumpkin's size.
Thank you for sharing your predictions!
Check back next week for pictures of our Pumpkin Investigation Stations and to find out the actual number of seeds!