Tuesday, November 13, 2018

Boosterthon Fun Run

We had our first annual Boosterthon Fun Run school fundraiser.  It was such an incredible experience!
The kids loved having all of the Boosterthon cheerful team members as members of our school for the week leading up to the Fun Run, including Zesty Zephry, Pac-man Pat, and especially Vibrant Vibha!

Students loved that the Boosterthon team greeted them in the morning when they walked into school, visited our class to read books, decorated the classroom flag, created crafts, and journeyed with them in the MindSpark Mystery Lab during lunch each day.  

My class was the Night 2 winners and we earned a special award - a fun fall craft with the Boosterthon team!  Vibrant Vibha and Pac-man Pat joined us for the fall craft, flag decorating, and creating cards for children at Boston's Children's Hospital.

Students helped me to create the Pledge-O-Meter incentives and they thought of some good ones!

We earned a longer center time, a special game in the gym, and an extra Go Noodle no problem!
Students were excited when they reached Reading / Writing Day.  They got to bring in a favorite book from home to share with a friend, listened to a read aloud, and even had flashlight reading! 

Kids were so happy to have time to write their own stories in the afternoon.  I have some pretty creative authors!

Before we could even celebrate our Math Day, we reached our Whole Day Play Day and we decided the day of our Fun Run was the best day to play all day.

Of course, there was still some learning involved!
First, we had reading games during Daily 5.

Then we had a special science experiment.  Students learned about color mixing using Play-Doh!

In the afternoon, we had just a little time to play before we got ready for the Fun Run!  Students loved our new drill set activity!

Finally, the moment we all had been waiting for....the excitement that had been buzzing throughout the school was about to be unleashed in the FUN RUN!

What an amazing event!!  Thank you to all the parents who came out to cheer for the kids!

After the Fun Run, we still had some celebrating to do since we surpassed our Pledge-o-Meter!
Our school's math specialist, Mrs. Reid, and our senior volunteer, Ms. Irene, got to join us for our Math Day one more/one less partner game.

Throughout the day, we played math games, counting games in the gym, and the kids really enjoyed hiding numbers in pictures they drew and then having a friend try to spot the numbers.

Finally, last week, we had Movie Day with Mrs. Murphy's class (who also surpassed their goal!).  We watched Inside Out in our comfy, cozy pajamas!  What an awesome day!!

After watching the movie, we talked about feelings and how it is okay to feel so many different emotions and we shared ways to handle and express those emotions appropriately.  After, each of us wrote about a time that we felt joy or sadness.

A HUGE thank you to Vibrant Vibha and the rest of the Boosterthon Team for an incredible job pumping the kids up for the Fun Run and for teaching them the invaluable lessons about Citizenship, Zest, Growth Mindset, Integrity and Teamwork!  Thank you to the PTO for bringing such a fun and engaging fundraiser to Middleton!  I am looking forward to next year!!

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