Tuesday, February 13, 2018

Wow! Already 100 days of learning together!

The students and I can't believe we have been learning and growing together for 100 days already!  One boy even exclaimed in excitement, "I can't believe we've already been in school for 100 days!  I just pinched myself to see if it was a dream or real!"  It is crazy how quick the year is flying by! 

The children's 100th's Day projects they completed at home with their families.

Children started the day dancing their way to the cafeteria to have team time with Ms. Clemenzi, the math and science curriculum specialist, while "Celebration" played over the intercom.
Photo courtesy of Dr. Carreiro.  Hear all the Kindergarten students count by 10s in her blog post.

During Daily 5, children had special 100th Day literacy and math activity choices.  Some students practiced counting by tens to 100 and ordering those numbers correctly.  Others chose to go on a word hunt and write 100 words they spotted around the room.

During writing, children imagined what they will do when they are 100 years old.

We also challenged ourselves to 100 jumping jacks!  We did it!

After art, I had a special new activity I was excited to try out with the class.   I got this amazing freebie from Brooke Brown's blog Teach Outside the Box.  The kids LOVED the 100th Day STEM bins!  They had teamwork like real engineers to creatively construct amazing masterpieces that each contained 100 pieces of that station's material.  

And these kids made snakes and a snake trap with 100 pipe cleaners!
As a Kindergarten team, we had a goal to collect 100 cans for our town's food pantry, which we exceeded, thanks to our amazing Middleton families!

I am looking forward to seeing the children's love for learning continue and their reading, writing, and math skills soar over the next 78 days!

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