Wednesday, November 25, 2015

A time to give thanks during this busy November

We have enjoyed this month of November by thinking about all that we have to be thankful for and we have worked hard to produce neat and thoughtful work.  We sang about fall and giving thanks last week in our Thanksgiving Sing-a-Long.  If you did not have a chance to attend the children's performance or would like to hear the songs again, click here to see the videos Mrs. Carreiro recorded and uploaded to her blog.  
The placemats that went home like the one below are precious keepsakes to remember this delightful age and the wonderful memories of Kindergarten.

Thank you for returning the family projects this month!  The disguised turkeys brightened up the room.  I love the creativity!  During writing, we tried to listen for the beginning, middle, and ending sounds as we labeled what our turkeys were disguised as.
Turkeys?  What turkeys?  There are no turkeys here!

The children enjoyed making turkeys out of construction paper and paper bags.  These turkeys were actually glyphs and were unique for each student. 

When the children entered the classroom after team time this morning, they were surprised and excited to be greeted by a visitor!

I didn't make the connection between my turkey and their own turkey glyphs (mine was created for a different purpose) until one boy told me I didn't have enough feathers and another child added, "I know you are definitely not 18!"  
So cute and too funny!!
Instead, my turkey was a guest during our classroom feast.  In fact, I got to carve him!  Check out the video below to see what was inside him along with all the fun we had today.  Thank you to Mrs. Kennedy's second grade class for inviting us to watch their performance of a Thanksgiving Reader's Theatre.  It was a special treat and I learned some new facts about the Pilgrims and the Wampanoag's first Thanksgiving.

I want to end by saying I am thankful for each child in my class.  All of you make me smile each day and enjoy my job.  I am also thankful for my students' loving families who encourage and inspire a love of learning outside of school.  You are raising some pretty terrific children!
Happy Thanksgiving!  Enjoy this special time with your loved ones!

free glitter text and family website at


  1. Happy Thanksgiving Mrs Libby. The kids are just as lucky to have you. Thanks for sharing their activities in the blog. It's always nice to see pics of what they are doing when we aren't with them. Love Jaclyn. (Lucias Mom)

    1. Thank you, Mrs. Olivieri! I am glad you enjoy the blog! I hope your family had a wonderful Thanksgiving!

  2. Happy Thanksgiving!! What an exciting month of activities! Thank you for all that you do each and every day with our children! Enjoy your long weekend!

    1. Thank you so much, Mrs. Brown! I have a lot of fun with this class!

  3. Happy Thanksgiving Mrs Libby! We are very thankful that you are Ryan's teacher this year. Thank you for all that you do to make kindergarten special. What a great start to school.
    We are also thankful for Ryan's classmates. He really enjoys them. Looking forward to many more happy memories to share this school year. The Maczynski family

    1. Thank you for the kind words, Maczynski family! I hope you enjoyed your Thanksgiving visit with relatives!

  4. Great Work, Mrs. Libby! Your kids are so lucky to have you! :)

    1. Thank you, Mrs. Newton! Your students are just as lucky to have you!
